1997년 봄. 세계 서프 아트의 선구자 중 한 명인 Koji Toyoda가 캘리포니아의 국제 서핑 박물관에서 첫 번째 전시회를 열었었다. 20년 넘게 서핑과 예술을 통해 자신의 삶의 방식을 표현한 500여 점의 작품 중에서 엄선된 패션, 네온아트 등의 콜라보 모음집이다.
∙ Pages - 158 pages
∙ Dimension - 236 x 236 x 21 mm
∙ Weight - 1.5 kg
∙ ISBN - 9784907354350
∙ Publisher - Bueno Books
Spring of 1997.
Koji Toyoda, one of the pioneers of the world's SURF ART, held the first exhibition at the International Surfing Museum in California. This is a heartwarming collection of works by Mr. Toyota, who has selected collaborative works such as fashion and neon art from over 500 works that have expressed his way of life surfing and art for more than 20 years, with the theme of "I love you."
Spring of 1997.
Koji Toyoda, one of the pioneers of the world's SURF ART, held the first exhibition at the International Surfing Museum in California. This is a heartwarming collection of works by Mr. Toyota, who has selected collaborative works such as fashion and neon art from over 500 works that have expressed his way of life surfing and art for more than 20 years, with the theme of "I love you."