New York New York 뉴욕 뉴욕 - Marie Tomanova 마리 토마노바

New York–based Czech photographer Marie Tomanova (born 1984) follows her 2019 book Young American with a second volume of color portraits of the noughties generation in New York City, paying particular attention to the diverse faces of America’s future and their process of vitally reshaping notions of gender, society and culture. Captivating and sincere, her diaristic work is imbued with the vitality and raw spirit of American youth. Her subjects are photographed at parties, art openings, parks and in apartments with their faces filling the majority of the image frames. They share an intimate gaze that stares directly back at the lens, framed by a variety of hair, makeup, piercings and skin tones.
Tomanova grew up in the Czech Republic and since moving to the United States in 2010 she has used photography to capture her feelings of displacement and evolving sense of belonging in America. Taken together, Tomanova’s series of self-portraits and youth photography reflect her introspective look into issues of identity and isolation.
As photographer Ryan McGinley writes in his introduction to Young American, “This is a future free of gender binaries and stale old definitions of beauty. In Marie’s world people can just simply be. I wish all of America’s youth culture looked like Marie’s photos of downtown, diverse and inclusive.”

∙ Pages - 176 pages

∙ Dimension - 270 x 250 mm

∙ Weight - 1.4 kg

∙ ISBN - 9783775750868

∙ Publisher - Hatje Cantz

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주) 스톡앤스톤드

서울시 용산구 대사관로 72 201호 대표: 홍영석  

개인정보관리책임자: 김인영

사업자등록번호: 804-87-02871

통신판매신고번호: 2024-서울용산-0420
