i-D는 1980년 펑크 시대 런던의 스트리트 스타일을 전문으로 하는 팬진으로 시작하여 "원래 - 흉내내지 말라"는 전제를 지키며 패션과 스타일의 선봉에서 빠르게 입지를 굳혔다. 이 기념일 책은 패션 출판의 세계뿐만 아니라 패션 그 자체에 혁명을 일으킨 불손하고 전향적인 잡지에 대한 궁극적인 헌사이다. 출시 이후 40년 동안, i-D는 손으로 만든 진에서 200만 명의 인스타그램 팔로워를 가진 세계 최고의 국제 스타일 타이틀 중 하나로 성장했다. 1980년 테리 존스에 의해 설립된 i-D는 패션 바이블만큼이나 스타일과 태도에 관한 연대기로 시작되었고, 수년간 그 정신을 지켜왔으며 데이비드 심스부터 쥬겐 텔러, 에드워드 에닌풀, 볼프강 틸먼스, 타일러 미첼, 할리 위어까지 패션 탤런트의 양육장이 되었다. 이 기념 책은 각기 다른 문화 시대의 프리즘을 통해 i-D 40주년을 기념하며, 각 장마다 잡지의 10년간의 역사에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 잡지의 원본 재사진 스프레드, 재인쇄된 텍스트 조각, 아카이브 이미지, 표지, i-Dan의 역사를 탐구하는 새로운 에세이를 혼합한 것이 특징이다.그것이 만들어진 시대의 더 넓은 문화적 맥락. 이 잡지는 그레타 툰버그, 마돈나, 나오미 캠벨, 그리고 소닉 더 헤지호그에게 그들의 첫 번째 표지를 주었고, 이모티콘을 발명한 사람입니다. 그리고 40년과 500년에 걸쳐, 패션은 포용적이고, 재미있고, 다양하며, 항상 독창적이어야 한다는 하나의 결정적인 메시지를 가지고 있습니다. 1980년 펑크 시대 런던 이후, i-D는 세계에서 가장 혁신적이고 영향력 있는 인재들의 경력을 시작했다. 끊임없이 자신을 재창조함으로써, i-D는 패션 문화에서 일관된 영감의 원천이라는 명성을 쌓아왔다. i-D는 한 세대의 목소리, 즉, 권리를 박탈당한 사람들과 대표되지 못한 사람들의 목소리, 할 말이 있는 사람들을 위한 플랫폼이라고 자부한다.
∙ Pages - 336 pages
∙ Dimension - 254 x 327 x 40 mm
∙ Weight - 0.7 kg
∙ ISBN - 9780847871780
∙ Publisher - Rizzoli
i-D began as a fanzine dedicated to the street style of punk-era London in 1980 and quickly earned its position at the vanguard of fashion and style, abiding by the premise of “originate—don’t imitate.” This anniversary volume is the ultimate tribute to the irreverent and forward-thinking magazine that revolutionized not only the world of fashion publishing but fashion itself. Over the 40 years since its launch, i-D has grown from a hand-stapled zine to one of the world’s leading international style titles with two million Instagram followers. Founded by Terry Jones in 1980, i-D began as a chronicle of style and attitude as much as a fashion bible, and over the years it has kept to that ethos, in the process becoming a nurturing ground for gener-ations of fashion talents, from David Sims to Juergen Teller, Edward Enninful to Wolfgang Tillmans, Tyler Mitchell to Harley Weir. This celebratory volume commemorates the 40th anniversary of i-D through the prism of different cultural eras, with each chapter focusing on a decade of the magazine’s history and featuring a mix of original rephotographed spreads from the magazine, reprinted text pieces, archival imagery, covers, and new essays exploring both the history of i-D and the wider cultural contexts of the era it was created in. It’s a magazine that has given Greta Thunberg, Madonna, Naomi Campbell, and Sonic the Hedgehog their first covers; that invented the emoticon; and that, across 40 years and 500 cover winks, has had one defining message: that fashion should be inclusive, fun, diverse, and—always—original. Since punk-era London in 1980, i-D has launched the careers of some of the most innovative and influential talent in the world. By constantly reinventing itself, i-D has built its reputation on being a consistent source of inspiration in fashion culture. i-D prides itself on being the voice of a generation, the voice of the disenfranchised and the under-represented, the platform for those who have something to say.
i-D began as a fanzine dedicated to the street style of punk-era London in 1980 and quickly earned its position at the vanguard of fashion and style, abiding by the premise of “originate—don’t imitate.” This anniversary volume is the ultimate tribute to the irreverent and forward-thinking magazine that revolutionized not only the world of fashion publishing but fashion itself. Over the 40 years since its launch, i-D has grown from a hand-stapled zine to one of the world’s leading international style titles with two million Instagram followers. Founded by Terry Jones in 1980, i-D began as a chronicle of style and attitude as much as a fashion bible, and over the years it has kept to that ethos, in the process becoming a nurturing ground for gener-ations of fashion talents, from David Sims to Juergen Teller, Edward Enninful to Wolfgang Tillmans, Tyler Mitchell to Harley Weir. This celebratory volume commemorates the 40th anniversary of i-D through the prism of different cultural eras, with each chapter focusing on a decade of the magazine’s history and featuring a mix of original rephotographed spreads from the magazine, reprinted text pieces, archival imagery, covers, and new essays exploring both the history of i-D and the wider cultural contexts of the era it was created in. It’s a magazine that has given Greta Thunberg, Madonna, Naomi Campbell, and Sonic the Hedgehog their first covers; that invented the emoticon; and that, across 40 years and 500 cover winks, has had one defining message: that fashion should be inclusive, fun, diverse, and—always—original. Since punk-era London in 1980, i-D has launched the careers of some of the most innovative and influential talent in the world. By constantly reinventing itself, i-D has built its reputation on being a consistent source of inspiration in fashion culture. i-D prides itself on being the voice of a generation, the voice of the disenfranchised and the under-represented, the platform for those who have something to say.